Ruthie attended her first birthday party this past Saturday. We actually had two birthday parties that day. The first was to celebrate sweet Katie Beth turning 6! Heather did a wonderful job with the party. The girls made cookies and Heather made them each their own apron! Too cute!! It made me realize what I have to look forward to. A dozen 6 year old girls squealing can be quite overwhelming. Ruthie seemed to be entertained by all the excitement at first. However, she very soon pooped out and slept the remaining time that we were there.
That night we celebrated Kaylee turning 12. I can't believe she is 12 already. Actually, her birthday isn't until this Sunday, but we had the gathering early. This was the family get together. PaPa, JoJo, Dustin, Ruthie, myself, Lori, Kaylee, Mamaw Beth, Lily, Parker and Emma ate at Kyoto. I thought we might get some reaction out of Ruthie at the hibatchi grill, but that was not the case. She could have cared less. No worries she was away from the table during all flame ups.
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