Dustin wanted to go to the cabin for Father's Day weekend, so that is exactly what we did. We have so much fun when we are there. Ruthie loves the water, being outside from sun up until sun down, and of course all the attention she gets. Dustin loves a lot of the same things about it plus he gets to grill almost every meal. I mean it is like heaven for him. That boy loves a grill and we love everything he prepares on it. We went out on Friday afternoon so that we could have all day Saturday to enjoy!
The picture below deserves a little explaining. We were all inside and I went out to check on Ruthie and Dustin and this is what I found. I asked him why he was in the pool and his answer was "she wanted me to get in" Ruthie definitely has her Daddy exactly where she wants him and he wouldn't have it any other way!
Aunt Lori and Kaylee stopped by for a little fun on the lake. Ruthie loves when we stop for swim breaks
For some reason, I have no pictures from Sunday. The day that we were there to celebrate. I am sad. Ruthie and I got up that morning and went to church at Mt Pisgah with my dad. We went back over to his house for a little while before heading back to the cabin. There was a photo shoot, but I had left my camera at the cabin. I will have to get copies. We had lunch with Dustin and Pop E before loading up and heading back home. It was a wonderful weekend in honor of a wonderful father!
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