We had a wonderful Easter. I love Easter Sunday for so many reasons. The main reason being that is a reminder of the sacrifice that Christ made for us. Easter service is always such a blessing. Other things that I look forward to about Easter is seeing everyone dressed in their best duds, little girls with frilly dresses and big hair bows, little boys with smocked jon jons and knee socks, time spent with family, Easter baskets filled with goodies, and egg hunts. This year we had lots of all of the above. Ruthie is at such a fun age. It is so heart warming to see her so excited about every little thing!
We woke up Easter morning to see what all the Easter bunny had brought. Ruthie went through every item several times. She had to show us each thing as she took it out.
We then got dressed and headed to church for a wonderful service. After church, we went to JoJo and Papa's for lunch and a little egg hunting
That afternoon we went to MawMaw Louie's to see the Whitley gang. Ruthie had such a good time entertaining everyone and getting more Easter goodies
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