We celebrated the New Year in Dallas! We flew out on New Year's Eve and arrived that afternoon. The hotel we stayed at was Ole Miss Central. A lot of the players were on the same floor as us. As a matter of fact, some were next door, but don't ask me who they were because I have no idea. We went downtown that night for dinner and Y.O. Steakhouse. It was delicious! We came back and Dustin and I watched the ball drop on the tv while Ruthie slept in her crib. We are such party animals. There was however a huge Ole Miss party that night at our hotel.
The next day the girls went shopping at the Northpark Mall. It has every store you can imagine! I never knew malls had Louis Vuitton, Tiffany's, Marc Jacobs, and lots more. We joined the guys for dinner at Pappisito's that night. It was full of Ole Miss fans and at one point the entire restaurant did Hotty Toddy. The looks on the waiters and few guests faces that were not Ole Miss fans was priceless.
On Saturday we were pumped and ready to head to Dallas Stadium. It is everything they say it is and more!
We had a wonderful time! The game make my stomach hurt at times, but the Rebels pulled through in the end. We hung around the hotel that night and watched all of the excitement from the win. Players were everywhere and kids were running around chasing them down for autographs. It was great to be a part of it all!
Ruthie got so excited on Sunday right before we left that she fell and bumped her head on a ledge in the hotel lobby. It wasn't too bad, but it needed to be closed up when we got home. We finished our Sunday night with a trip to the Tippah Co Hospital ER. They put a little Dermabond on it and she is good as new
You have a beautiful family! It looks like you guys had an awesome Christmas and Dallas trip to cheer on the Rebels. We were very relieved that they pulled it off!
Ruthie is so adorable! I hate she got a boo boo; poor thing!
Loved all of the updated posts!
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