We spent Memorial Day weekend at the cabin and had a fabulous time. Boat rides, kiddie pools, family & friends, and TONS of food! When we blew the pool up on Saturday Ruthie was so excited. She was jumping all over it and sliding and having a grand ole time. However, once we put the water in she wasn't sure about it. So, to get her into the fun her Daddy and Pop E joined her for a bit.

I think the pool was a little small for all 3 of them

Trying out the slide with water in it

Ok I decided this is really FUN!
Once she warmed up to it, she LOVED it. She played forever all by herself. Just splashing and carrying on

She always had to help drive the boat at some point during each outing. She thought she was so big. Pop E of course didn't mind having a co-captain

Riding the boat with Aunt Lori and Kaylee

She got Kaylee in the pool with her on Sunday. She absolutely loved having a playmate in there with her.

Giving the dolphin some love

"I don't know where Aunt Lori is"

"There she is, I must run as fast as I can to her"

Happy Memorial Day!
I hope everyone had as wonderful of a weekend as we did!