Yesterday was definitely a summer day! It was sweltering!! We had our annual decoration day at the cemetery yesterday morning. It amazes me that this tradition is still going strong. I grew up across from the cemetery and have spent tons of time there. My family works so hard each year to get it ready for decoration day. As a child, I remember being there almost everyday the week leading up to it. Helping my Mamaw get her family's graves ready, marking veterans graves with flags, picking up limbs and old flowers that had blown off of graves and whatever else that needed to be done. The youth of our church now dedicate their time each year to helping with this. It is quite a task to find all the graves of veterans, but they make sure each one has a flag placed on it. The English family, which my is my mother's maiden name donated the land years ago and continue to run it to this day. All of my mother's side of the family that have passed are buried there. Including my Mamaw's parents as well.
This is the description of decoration day that is listed in the program each year.
"Memorial or Decoration Day in the South began as citizens became aware that the graves of the Civil War soldiers were being neglected. The Jumpertown Cemetery was established in 1852. Billie Yeates, who came to this community from Ponotoc County, bought the land from Jimmy Jumper who was a large landowner and started building a house where Miss Mary & Miss Annie English lived. Before he finished the home, his two year old daughter Sarah F. Yeates died and was buried in the cemetery. Later the land was sold to the English family who donated this and the other land to the cemetery. The late Bob Satterfield founded and organized a Homecoming/Decoration Day to be held each fourth Sunday in May. There are several Civil War soldiers buried in the cemetery. The tradition of memorial services under the trees and "dinner on the ground" continues today."

This could be because of the fact that was so much outdoor space to explore. She ran the entire time we were there, including during the eating portion. She would get a bite and run until she needed another. Needless to say, we were all very sweaty and exhausted by the time we left.

After all the sweating, eating, and fellowship, we decided to cool down with a relaxing afternoon at the pool with Pop E and Nana. It was our first time in the pool this season!!
We finished up with grilled hamburgers and hot dogs. It was officially a Summer Day! I love this time of year!!