Ruthie was 17 months on Feb 26. I honestly have no idea where time has gone. She is growing up way too fast!! She is so busy these days and very entertaining. She LOVES to dance and is starting to mimic just about anything you do. We have a lot of fun seeing what all she will do. She never meets a stranger, which I must admit is a little scary to me. She will go to or with anyone. One of her favorite things to do is walk around talking on the phone. Most of the time she calls JoJo or PawPaw. However, when they are actually on the phone she has very little to say except "Hey JoJo" or "Hey PawPaw" We have been super busy lately. We have season baseball tickets and the Rebels have been keeping us in Oxford a good bit. Ruthie loves it. Not so much the baseball, but all the good music that they play.

Ruthie at the game
She also LOVES shoes. She is obsessed with them. She has to try on all shoes left laying within her reach. For some reason, every time Nana (Dustin's mom) comes over she makes her take her shoes off so that she can wear them. Nana is the only person she does this to. She must really like her shoes. The other day she discovered Dustin's boots and had quite a good time with them. She was hilarious trying to walk around in them.

Daddy has big shoes to fill!
We have been so fortunate with all that has been going around to avoid sickness. I mean somehow she and I escaped catching the stomach virus from Dustin last week. However, on Sunday our lucky streak ended. She just didn't feel good and was running a temperature. No other symptoms. On Monday, she was still sick so off to the Dr we went. He said she had caught a fever bug that was going around. It hung around until Tuesday night. By Wednesday, she was good as new. She played sooo hard all day. I guess she was trying to make up for the two days she missed out on. The picture below is a result of all that playing. She has never went to sleep without being put in her bed or held.