Ruthie is 11 months old today. I can't believe it! She is growing up too fast. She is quite the character these days. Always entertaining to say the least. I am going to list a few stats, mainly so I don't forget them. With that being said, this is where we are at today.
Walking everywhere, she is getting pretty fast too.
6 teeth, 3 top & 3 bottom
Says: Dada, Mama, bye bye, hey, ah choo( she does this anytime she or anyone else sneezes), uh oh, bite, mmm mmm (when giving you love), & many more that we haven't been able to decipher yet
She waves anytime someone picks up keys or heads toward the door
Loves to people watch
Adores any flavor of puffs
Squeals LOUDLY for no reason at all
Loves to play peek a boo
Will give you "five" when asked to
I am sure I have left something off, but I am sure whatever it is will come up in a post soon